Trash Bag
Istanbul Plastik offers a solution to the plastic waste problem with its recyclable products developed with environmental awareness. Recyclable garbage bags disappear spontaneously within 12-24 months without leaving any toxic effects in nature. By choosing a “recyclable” trash bag, you can make a contribution for tomorrow, for children, for the environment, and for the future. They are produced in every size, thickness and color according to the demands of our customers.

What are the benefits of trash bags?
- -Economical due to the material used in its production.
- -It is practical compared to other transportation methods in terms of providing convenience in the field of use.
- -Since quality materials are used in the production of garbage bags, their strength is high and without any extra cost.
- -The trash bag is environmentally friendly due to the materials used in its production.
Available Dimension, Thickness and Length of Bags
Dimension | Thickness | Meter |
10 cm | 30 mic -150mic | 10 cm – 150 cm |
15 cm | 30 mic -150mic | 10 cm – 150 cm |
20 cm | 30 mic -150mic | 10 cm – 150 cm |
25 cm | 30 mic -150mic | 10 cm – 150 cm |